WASTE: Advisors on Urban Environment and Development Netherlands Expand view Nieuwehaven 201 2801 CN Gouda WATE is a non-profit organisation for development projects in countries in Africa, Asia, Latin America and Eastern Europe. WASTE worls for organisations that aim at a sustainable improvement of the livnig conditions of the urban low-income population and of the urban environment in general http://www.waste.nl
Institute of Cultural Affairs International Belgium Expand view rue Amedee Lynen 8 B-1210 Brussels The principal aim of the ICAI is to develop and test methods of individual, community and organisational development. Programmes are highly participatory in nature and are often conducted in collaboration with other organisations. Local ICAs collaborate at the local level and ICA, Egypt has several practical and training manuals in Arabic. Services available to member ICAs include programme coordination, conference orgaisation, information exchange, publishing and staff training.
Child-to-Child Trust UK Expand view Room 833 Institute of Education 20 Bedford Way London WC1H OAL The objectives of the Child-to-Child Trust are to protect and preserve the health of communities worldwide by encouraging and enabling children and young people to play an active and responsible role in the health and development of themselves, other children and their families The CTC library has a specialist collection of health education material. Most of the materials consist of Child-to-Child publications, but there is also a wide range of project reports, resource books, training guides and audio-visual material relating to the promotion and use of the Child-to-Child concept. The resource centre is open to postgraduate students and visitors working or considering working overseas on projects where the Child-to-Child approach is relevant. Call the Project Co-ordinator for an appointment. The library is open Monday to Friday, 9am - 4pm http://www.child-to-child.org
Development Innovations and Networks (IRED) Switzerland Expand view 3 rue de Varembé 1211 Geneva 20 IRED are an international network which facilitates exchanges of experiences and communication and organises with faster technical support and institutional capacity strengthening of civil society by working with grass roots groups. The IRED resource centre is open to the public
Find Your Feet UK Expand view 37-39 Great Guildford St London SE1 0ES FYF is creating opportunities for the rural poor to build a sustainable livelihood http://www.fyf.org.uk
Medical Mission Institute Germany Expand view Salvatorstr. 22 97074 Würzburg The MMI sees itself as an initiative of Christian lay persons at the intersection of health service, development cooperation and missionary presence of the Church in different cultures. In dialogue with local Churches and other organisations, MMI looks for ways to improve the health situation of disadvantaged people in developing countries without respect of origin, race or religion. MMI strives towards the adoption of measures to the local situation, towards sustainability and the promotion of competent local personnel
National Research and Development Centre (STAKES)|Unit for International Development Collaboration Finland Expand view PO Box 220 Fin-00531 Helsinki HEDEC participates in international cooperation in health & social welfare development. We work in developing countries and countries in transition. HEDEC gives technical assistance in planning, monitoring and evaluation of projects and programmes; provides support services in project implementation, gives expert opinion requested by Finnish authorities on development issues and compiles and diseminates information on global development issues. the resource centre is open to the public http://www.stakes.fi/hedec
The Karuna Trust UK Expand view St Mark's Studio Chillingworth Road London N7 8QJ Since 1980, the Karuna Trust has worked with some of India's most disadvantaged people, especially those formerly known as "untouchable" (today called Dalits). Through the promotion of education, health, skills training and cultural activities, Karuna is helping many thousands of people to transform their lives. Karuna was established, and is run by western Buddhists. Its projects promote dignity and self-confidence, and the breaking down of caste and religious barriers. They are open to anyone in need regardless of their background http://www.karuna.org
Ministry of Foreign Affairs Denmark Expand view Asiatisk Plads 2 DK-1448 Copenhagen K http://www.um.dk
Humanist Institute for Development Cooperation (HIVOS) Netherlands Expand view Raamweg 16 2596 HL Den Haag Hivos is an organisation working to further emancipation and democracy and to combat poverty in developing countries. It provides financial support to over 800 local private organisations in more than 30 countries in Africa, Asia, Latin America and South-eastern Europe. The acitivities of these organisations centre around the 5 Hivos policy themes: economy and credit facilities, culture and the arts, women and development, sustainable development, and human rights and AIDS. Hivos works to fight poverty, to make society a more equitable place to live, and lobbies to influence policy in favour of these objectives. In a European context, Hivos works closely with like-minded development organisations in Alliance2015, a network of organisations that aim to fight poverty and provide healthcare and education for all by 2015. Within the Netherlands, Hivos joins forces with civil society organisations that have expertise in one or more of its own major policy domains. HIVOS is also a member of the South North Federation, a broad coalition of Dutch NGOs, working on development, environment, human rights, fair trade, health and investment. http://www.hivos.nl
Catholic Organisation for Relief and Development (CORDAID) Netherlands Expand view Postbus 16440 2500 BK Den Haag Cordaid is a Catholoca NGO working in the field of development of development cooperation. Cordaid is commited to improve the living condition of the poor and vulnerable groups in society in a problem solving manner and with results which are measurable in outcome http://www.cordaid.nl
Save the Children Norway Nepal Expand view PO Box 3394 Kathmandu StC-N aim to strengthen those institutions who can bring about a sustainable realisation of children's rights in Nepal. The StC-N resource centre is open to the public
The Network - Community Partnerships for Health through Innovative Education, Service and Research Netherlands Expand view PO Box 616 NL-6200 MD Maastricht The Network is a global association of institutions for education of health professionals committed to contribute, through education and research, to the improvement and sutainment of health in the communities they serve. http://www.the-network.org
International Centre Nederlands Institut voor Zorg en Welzijn (NIZW)|International Centre of the Netherlands Intitute for Care and Welfare Netherlands Expand view Catharijnesingel 47 Postbus19152 3501 DD Utrecht Contributes to the improvement of care and welfare through international transfer of information, innovation and expertise. On their website country reports can be found, as well as information on international organisations. NIZW supports and facilitates social care and welfare projects in Central and Eastern European countries, China and South Africa. The organisation is currently preparing to expand its activities to other parts of the world. Its resource centre is not open to the public http://www.nizw.nl/nizwic
NAM Publications UK Expand view 77a Tradescant Road, London, SW8 1XJ NAM exists to support the fight against AIDS with independent, accurate, accessible and comprehensive information. It produces extensive information on treatments,directories of contacts and organisations working in the HIV field, as well as international resources database which is searchable in 6 languages. There is also a searchable database of HIV clinics available in the UK. NAM is the UK's leading specialist HIV / AIDS information provider with international publications including the European AIDS Directory and AIDS organisations worldwide - accessible online at http://www.aidsmap.com. Now NAM works with the International HIV / AIDS Alliance to provide additional international support http://www.aidsmap.com