World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS) UK Expand view World Bureau, Olave Centre 12c Lyndhurst Road London NW3 5PQ WAGGGS aims to enable girls and young women to develop their fullest potential as responsible citizens of the world
World Development Movement (WDM) UK Expand view 25 Beehive Place London SW9 7QR Britain's main development pressure group winning changes for the world's poor in issues like trade, debt, aid and environment/development.
Nuffield Foundation UK Expand view 28 Bedford Square London WC1B 3JS Supports the establishment and improvement of health policy and provision in developing countries (South and East Africa), and promotes links between those countries and the UK. It does this by funding activities that develop the expertise and experience of practitioners and policy makers
Development Education Association (DEA) UK Expand view 29-31 Cowper Street London EC2A 4AT Works as an international umbrella organisation for over 200 member organisations working to raise the awareness and understanding of global and development issues in the UK. The Association offers training, advice, information and networking to members who work with schools, youth groups, adult education institutions, higher education and community organisations. Also aims to influence policy that impacts on development education at the local and international level
Minority Rights Group (MRG) UK Expand view 54 Commercial Street London E1 6LT The Minority Rights Group works to secure the rights of ethnic, religious and linguistic minorities and indigenous peoples worldwide and to promote co-operation and understanding between communities. It does this through publishing reports and training manuals, working with partners on training events and maintaining a presence at international forums. It promotes the active participation of minorities and indigenous peoples in decisions affecting their lives, promotes the implementation of international standards, develops conflict resolution and reconciliation initiatives and advocates the needs for mainstreaming minority rights in development policies. Minority Rights Group International is a significant organisation in the field of cultural diversity. It also places a strong emphasis on gender issues, and some of the publications give a brief reference to issues that impact early childhood development, such as lack of access to health services for certain indigenous groups (though there is no specific programme on early childhood development). The resource centre is not open to the public
UNED Forum UK Expand view c/o United Nations Asociation 3 Whitehall Court London SW1A 2EL A multi-sectoral forum that aims to promote sustainable development and implementation of the Rio and Rio+10 (Johannesburg) conferences. It organises dialogues, round table discussions and publishes reports for and on behalf of its multi-stakeholder members and gorups
Skillshare International UK Expand view 126 New Walk Leicester LE1 7JA Skillshare International world for sustainable development in partnership with the people & communities of Africa and Asia. It does this by sharing and developing skills, facilitating organisational effectiveness and supporting organisational growth. The Skillshare resource centre is open to the public
Indian Volunteers for Community Service (IVCS) UK Expand view 12 Eastleigh Avenue South Harrow HA2 OUF Aims to relieve poverty in India by undertaking voluntary work and fundraising to assist village development schemes of a charitable nature, and to educate the public in the UK about Indian culture and traditions
Pesticides Aciton Network UK UK Expand view The Brighthelm Centre North Road Brighton BN1 1YD PAN Uk promotes healthy food, agriculture and an environment which will provide food and meet public health needs without harm to food producers and agricultural workers. PAN UK is an independent, non-profit organisation working nationally and internationally with like-minded groups and individuals concerned with health, environment and development. It aims to eliminate the hazards of pesticides; reduce dependence on pesticides and prevent unnecessary expansion of their use; and increase the sustainable and ecological alternatives to chemical pest control. It runs a resource centre that is open to the public
Study and Documentation Centre on Appropriate Technology in Developing Countries (ATOL) Belgium Expand view Leuvense Straat 5/1 B-3010 Leuven (Kessel-Lo) ATOL is an independent, non-profit service centre. It provides a number of services to individuals and organisations that are actively or professionally involved in development co-operation and international relations. Its services have both a technical and a methodological focus. They are provided in the form of documentation and information, applied research, training and consultancy. Resource centre open to the public
Exchange Group for Appropriate Technology (COTA) Belgium Expand view Rue de la Revolution 7 1000 Bruxelles Aims to improve development activities through the provision of documentation and information services and support for development organisations in developed and developing countries. Its resource centre is open to the public
International Water and Sanitation Centre (IRC) Netherlands Expand view Visiting address Bezuidenhoutseweg 2 2594 AV The Hague The Netherlands Postal address P.O. Box 82327 2508 EH The Hague The Netherlands IRC facilitates the creation, sharing and use of knowledge so that water and sanitation sector staff and organisations can better support poor men, women and children in developing countries to obtain water and sanitation services they will use and sustain. This is achieved by offering publications, training courses, advisory and education services, research and advocacy activities. IRC's library contains over 16,000 items, much of it is grey literature. The resources can be searched using the on-line database, which can be searched by subject, author, title, publisher, date and type of publication. It provides links to 1100 documents and Web pages on the Internet. Publications can be ordered online and some can be downloaded from the website.
Strategies and Tools against Social Exclusion and Poverty (STEP) Programme Switzerland Expand view 4 route des Morillons CH 1211 Geneva 22 STEP is an operational tool to promote the extension of social protection for men and women workers in the informal economy. This is achieved by bolstering the confidence of the excluded so that they realise that not only do they have the right to seek basic human security and universal and equitable access to social protection services, but that they also have the ability. Making efforts to make women more visible in their social and economic roles. This contributes to the overall preparations for the follow up to the 4th World Conference on Women in Bejing (1995) through the "Bejing plus 5" in 2000. Through a participatory approach, STEP works in the field of microinsurance as a means for the excluded to claim their basic human security, such as equitable access to health care and other social protection services. The STEP strategies include the implementation of development projects, action research, advocacy and policy dialogue. STEP works in partnership with governments, workers' and employers' organisations, international development organisations, research centres, group-based organisations (social economy) and selected NGOs
The Wellcome Trust|Tropical Medicine Resource UK Expand view 210 Euston Road London NW1 2BE The Tropical Medicine Resource (TMR) is part of the Wellcome Trust, Europe's largest medical research charity. It produces interactive distance learning materials which support training and development within the international health community. The main output of the department to date has been the CD-Rom based series "Topics in International Health (TIH)". The CDs cover diseases of international importance, such as malaria, tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS - and complement scientific research funded by Wellcome Trust grants nd carried out in Wellcome Trust Centres overseas. Operates a Resource Centre that is open to the public
Health Action International (HAI) Europe Netherlands Expand view Jacob van Lennepkade 334-T 1053 NJ Amsterdam Aim: To promote the rational use of medical drugs along the lines of the WHO's Essential Drugs concept and to improve access to essential treatment