Family Planning Private Sector - FPPS (K) Kenya Expand view PO Box 46042 Nairobi Capacity building for NGOs and CBDs and the private sector, especially in personnel training, supply of equipment and materials and involvement of community members in use of cultural communication in their development. Actual address: 5th Floor, Longonot Place, Kijabe Street
Stop AIDS Organisation Nigeria Expand view Box 5052 Murtala Mohammed Airport Ikeja, Lagos StopAIDS aim to prevent and combat the incidence of HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases by designing and implementing appropriate public education and enlightenment programmes for target populations. To the worried well, we provide care, compromising of medical treatment, counselling and psycho-social support. Also they aim to create awareness amongst women who provide support training in the motor park. Empowering them with appropriate training and retraining of women in the sexual and reproductive health arena. The StopAIDS resource centre is open to the public
African Rehabilitation Institute (ARI) Zimbabwe Expand view P O Box 4056 Harare ARI is a pan-African Network programme for manpower development and research, in the field of rehabilitation and disability prevention. ARI collaborates with African Governments, African and International NGOs, International organisations and UN specialised agencies to assist member states to enchance disability prevention and rehabilitation services and to ensure the inclusion of disabled persons in all aspects of life. The ARI resource centre is open to the public
L'Association de Cooperation en Tunisie (ACT) Tunisia Expand view BP 145 1080 Tunis-Cedex ACT works in cooperation with the Government of the Republic of Tunisia and recognised national, international and non Governmental organisations. ACT prioritises action which will impact those disadvantaged through poverty, unequal opportunity or social marginalisation. ACT seeks to be a catalyst for change creating partnerships that will facilitate the exchange of beneficial attitude and skills
Comprehensive Community Based Rehabilitation in Tanzania (CCBRT) Tanzania Expand view P O Box 23.310 Dar Es Salaam They have trained 120 CBR Managers for programmes in 25 African countries and 10 Asian countries. The CCBRT resource centre is open to the public
Lesotho National Federation of Organisations of Disabled (LNFOD) Lesotho Expand view P O Box 9988 Maseru 100 Aims to safeguard the rights of people with disabilities; to promote the rights of children with disabilities; to strengthen memeber organisations through training and fund raising; and to encourage equal opportunities for persons with disabilities in education
National Council for Persons with Physical Disabilities in South Africa (NCPPDSA) South Africa Expand view P O Box 426 Melville 2109 NCPPDSA aims to serve as a pro-active forum for the advancement of persons with physical disabilities so as to enable them to attain their maximum level of independence and integration into the community; and the prevention of the occurence of physical disablement. The NCPPDSA resource centre is open to the public
Ahfad Centre for Reproductive Health, Family Planning and Eradication of Harmful Traditional Practices Sudan Expand view PO Box 167 Ahfad University for Women Omdurman The health centre provides health care services for a large section in the community. The main aim is working in reproductive health issues, raising awareness to the community and working under a well established university, such as Ahfad University for women, aiming to attain the highest possible standards in health services, obtaining user satisfaction at an affordable cost
Child-To-Child Kenya Kenya Expand view PO Box 19859 Nairobi Aims to promote and preserve the health of communities worldwide by encouraging and enabling children to play an active and responsible role in the health and development of themselves, other children, their families and the community at large. the resource centre is open to the public
Uganda Protestant Medical Bureau (UPMB) Uganda Expand view PO Box 4127 Kampala UPMB aim: To build a self-sustaining organisation which can offer support services to member's health units and empower them to provide quality care to the communities in Uganda. UPMBs objectives are to provide a coordination, technical and logistical forum and to build human resource capacities in PHC/CBHC among member units; To network with agencies in areas of mutual interest related to health; To play an advocacy and lobbying role to policy makers, donors on behalf of the affiliated units; To liaise between government affliliated units and donors
Islamic African Relief Agency (IARA) Sudan Expand view PO Box 3372 Khartoum Aims to initiate and open communications among all mankind regardless of religious culture, language, race or colour; put into place the principles of charity and providing basic services to the vulnerable and needy; promote and protect human rights; and promote and support water and sanitation programmes
Centre for Environmental Health Activities- World Health Organisation (WHO/CEHA) Jordan Expand view World Health Organization P O Box 926967 Amman 11190 CEHA's mandate and objectives are to promote environmental health through technical support and strengthening national ccapabilities and programmes in the member slots of the Eastern Mediterranean region. Their resource centre is open to the public
Gaza Community Mental Health Programme Palestine Expand view PO Box 1049 Gaza Strip GCMHP is a non-profit, non-governmental organisation and was established in 1990 and adopts community-based care to tackle mental health problems. It offers community mental health services and clinical care through three clinics. Each clinic consists of a multidisciplinary team. It offers training courses for PHC, health and other professionals. In addition, the Programme conducted and published research related to stress and violence issues. The main target groups are those subjected to torture and violence, women abuse, children and drug abuse.
Health Development Information and Policy Institute (HDIP) Palestine Expand view PO Box 1351 Ramallah HDIP is an independent Palastinian organisation specialised in policy research and advocacy of appropriate health and development policies. The institute is devoted to promoting coordination between NGO and government sectors, and provides information services, consultations, evaluations and training in systems management. HDIP has a resource centre which is open to the public