
Children with Disability Australia (CDA)


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PO Box 172
Clifton Hill
Victoria, 3058

Children with Disability Australia (CDA) is the national peak body that represents children and young people with disability aged 0-25. CDA is a not for profit, community based organisation and has a national membership of 5000 with the majority being families.

CDA’s vision is that children and young people with disability living in Australia are afforded every opportunity to thrive, achieve their potential and that their rights and interests as individuals, members of a family and their community are met.

CDA works at the national level to progress opportunities and inclusion of all children and young people with disability living in Australia. It works to achieve these aims by:

• Educating national public policy-makers and the broader community about the needs of children and young people with disability.

• Representing children and young people with disability to ensure the best possible support and services are available from government and the community.

• Informing children and young people with disability, families and care givers about their rights and entitlements to services and support.

• Celebrating the successes and achievements of children and young people with disability.

Asociación de Comunicadores Sociales (ACS Calandria)


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Cahuide 752
Lima 11

Calandria works to generate dialogue between different sectors of society using diverse people- and culture-sensitive communication methodologies. Works to improve women's leadership and civic journalism, to strenghen the local government sector, to promote social vigilance of mass media, and to build the communication skills of other institutions. The Resource Centre is open to public and is able to respond to requests for materials or information. Also produce AIDS Action newsletter (Spanish)

Society for Participatory Research in Asia (PRIA)


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42 Tuglakabad Institutional Area
New Delhi

PRIA's vision of a desirable world is based on values of equality, gender justice and freedom. PRIA works towards democratic governance in society. It identifies the poor and the marginalised, focusing upon changing women's roles and status as agents and leaders of change. The PRIA resource centre is open to the public

United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) Pakistan


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United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) Pakistan Country Office
Street#05, G-5, Diplomatic Enclave
Ph: +92 51 2097700

UNICEF is mandated by the UN General Assembly to advocate for the protection of children's rights to help meet their basic needs and to expand their opportunities to reach their full potential under the guidance of the Convention of the Rights of the Child. cooperates with NGOs to achieve goals in the reduction of IMR, MMR, malnutrition, and in the increase of safe water provision, primary school enrolment, salt iodizaiton and immunisation. Its resource centre is not open to the public
