National Research and Development Centre (STAKES)|Unit for International Development Collaboration Finland Expand view PO Box 220 Fin-00531 Helsinki HEDEC participates in international cooperation in health & social welfare development. We work in developing countries and countries in transition. HEDEC gives technical assistance in planning, monitoring and evaluation of projects and programmes; provides support services in project implementation, gives expert opinion requested by Finnish authorities on development issues and compiles and diseminates information on global development issues. the resource centre is open to the public
Interhealth UK Expand view 157 Waterloo Road London SE1 8US Interhealth provides comprehensive travel health service and supplies for aid workers, mission partners, volunteers and members of voluntary agencies. Services include pre and post-travel medicals, a travel clinic, counselling, debriefing and psychiatric care and advice to agencies and individuals by phone, fax or e-mail. Supplies include a full range of antimalarials, mosquito nets and other travel health supplies. Staff are also available for lectures, seminars and consultancies
World Health Organization (WHO) Switzerland Expand view Avenue Appia 20 CH-1211 Geneva 27 Charged to act as the world's directing and coordinating authority on suggestions of human health, WHO has developed a host of networks and mechanisms for generating data, applying facts to problems and recommending solutions that will lead to sustained improvements in health. The WHO resource centre is open to the public
Latin American & Caribbean Women's Health Network (LACWHN) Chile Expand view PO Box 50610 Santiago 1 Isis International is an internatinoal NGO created in 1974 in response to a need expressed by women from different countries for a women's information and communication service. Its fundamental objective is empowering women and encouraging their full participantion in development proccesses through the formation of networks and channels of communication and information. For women to participate fully in their societies, both women themselves and those promoting their participation need to produce and have access to information, channels of communication, and opportunities to exchange ideas and experiences. Their resource centre is open to the public. Its library is not open to the public.
Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States (SIECUS) USA Expand view 130 West 42nd Street Suite 350 New York NY 10036-7802 The aim of SIECUS is to establish human sexuality as a health entity and believes that freedom to exercise personal sexual choice is a fundemental human right. SIECUS disseminates information by means of a resource centre and enquiry service and by publications and materials designed to be used by parents and teachers for sex education purposes. The resource centre is open to the public by appointment on Monday to Friday (12-5 pm)
Boston Women's Health Book Collective (BWHBC) USA Expand view PO Box 192 Somerville MA 02144 The Boston Women's Health Book Collective (BWHBC), best known for 'Our Bodies, Ourselves' and 'Nuestros Cuerpos', 'Nuestras Vidas', empowers women with information about health, sexuality and reproduction. We work in and for the public interest, promote equality between women and men, and build bridges among social justice movements
Movimiento Unificado de Minorias Servales (MUMS-MOVILH) Chile Expand view Casilla 52834 Correo Central MUMS-MOVILH promote width and integration concepts about human sexuality. It Demands human rights of sexual minorities and persons living with HIV. It promotes the creation of integration places and spaces. It promotes preventative action about HIV/AIDS and human rights. The MUMS-MOVILH resource centre os open to the public
CEDRO Peru Expand view Roca y Bologna 271 Miraflores Lima 18 CEDRO's objectives are to promote education and information on all aspects of the drugs problem, highlighting its causes and consequences, in order to contribute to the prevention of abuse. CEDRO believes that the problem of drugs is related, among other causes, to poverty and lack of alternatives. CEDRO has anresource centre that is open to the public
Centre for Health Education, Training and Nutrition Awareness (CHETNA) India Expand view Supath-II, B-Block, 3rd Floor, Opp. Vadaj Bus Terminus, Ashram Road, Vadaj, Ahmedabad-380013 Ahmedabad 380 004 Gujarat CHETNA aims to empower children to become active partners for for their own, their families and communities' health and development; to enhance adolescents and women's health status by empowering them to gain control over their own health and development concerns; to support organisations that work in the states of Gujarat, Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh, through strengthening their capacities to implement and manage affective health education and development programmes for children, adolescents and women. The CHETNA resource centre is open to the CHETNA staff and students CHETNA are partners in the Communication for Health India Network (CHIN). CHETNA regularly develops need based publications - primarily in Gujarati, Hindi and English. The material is extensively, field-tested and efforts are made to ensure that it is gender sensitive, easy to understand and use, as well as relevant. To enhance the readability and ensure that it is user friendly, the text is written creatively in form of story/song/drama etc. and accompanied by attractive illustrations. The publications are widely disseminated throughout India, and can also be ordered online.
Resource Centre for Primary Health Care (RECPHEC) Nepal Expand view PO Box 117 Kathmandu RECPHEC's objectives are to provide information easily to information seekers; to provide information via its newsletter to grassroots health workers (the newsletters are called Bhalalkwari and Women's Health); and to advocate to policy makers and programme planners for health rights and health systems. The resource centre is open to the public
Ford Foundation Indonesia Expand view PO Box 2030 Jakarta 10020 The Ford Foundation is a resource for innovative people and institutions worldwide. Our goals are to: Strengthen democratic value Reduce poverty and injustice Promote international cooperation Advance human achievement Resource centre open to the public
Sri Lanka Association of Professional Social Workers (SLAPSH) Sri Lanka Expand view 191, Dharmapala Mawatha Colombo 07 SLAPSW's aims include: Upkeeping professional standards of social work; Training and research in human resource development; Working with the National Institute of Social Development in Sri Lanka in producing a quality workforce for social development; Produce local social work literature for public education; Undertake community development work in all parts of the country. The SLAPSW resource centre is open to the public
Voluntary Health Services Society (VHSS) Bangladesh Expand view 273 Baitul Aman Housing Society Road No.1, Adabar Shyamoli, Dhaka 1207 VHSS aims to help advance health policies and priority issues in Bangladesh by promoting need orientated activities that are appropriate, realistic and equitable in partnership with NGOs and Government organisations to achieve optimum Health for All. The VHSS resource centre is open to the public
Integrated Social Development Effort (ISDE) Bangladesh Expand view Thana Parishod Road PO Box - Chiringa CC - 4470 Chakaria, Cox's Bazar 47400 ISDE aims to create a positive socio-economic change of the under developed or disadvantaged countries, especially the women and children through awareness raising, health services, non-formal outreach work and more earning through self employment activities.
Nest Sri Lanka Expand view Kåie House 241 Beach Road Hendala Wattala Aims to see happiness, promote justice and freedom, lift the stigmatisation of labelling, promote understanding and promote coping mechanisms within the community