Practical Action [formerly Intermediate Technology Development Group (ITDG)] UK Expand view The Schumacher Centre for Technology & Development Bourton Hall, Bourton-on-Dunsmore, Rugby Warwickshire CV23 9QZ ITDG specialises in helping people to use technology for practical answers to poverty. With ITDG, poor women and men can develop technology which puts people first. The resource centre is open to the public
International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) UK Expand view International Planned Parenthood Federation 4 Newhams Row London SE1 3UZ IPPF promotes the right of women and men, including young people, to decide freely the number and spacing of their children, and the right to the highest possible level of sexual and reproductive health. It emphasises maternal and child health and works to promote safe motherhood. It recognises male needs and responsibilities, and actively encourages men's participantion in family planning and other sexual and reproductive health issues. It promotes and supports equal rights and empowerment for women. It recognises that young people have the right to sexual and reproductive health information, education, health, choice and confidentiality. Focuses on five priority areas, including adolescents, HIV/AIDS, abortion, access and advocacy. Publishes widely, and publications can be downloaded as free resources.
King's Fund UK Expand view 11-13 Cavendish Square London W1M 0AN The King's Fund works to improve the health of Londoners, with specific reference to reducing health inequalities, promoting the benefits of diversity and incresing the public's voice on health policy and practice. The King's Fund resource centre is open to the public
Panos Institute UK Expand view 9 White Lion St London N1 9PD Panos believes people will only be lifted out of poverty if they have a greater say in their own development. Panos works with the media to produce informative articles and radio programmes and to stimulate public debate within developing countries on issues like HIV/AIDs, unjust trade rules and climate change
Royal College of Nursing (RCN) UK Expand view 20 Cavendish Square London W1G 0RN The RCN is the voice of nursing in the UK. It is run by and for nurses. It campaigns on behalf of nurses and nursing and it is the leading player in the development of nursing practice and standards of care. It provides higher education, and promotes research, quality and practice development through the RCN institute. Its resource centre is not open to the public
Deutsches Aussaetzigen-Hilfswerk (DAHW) Germany Expand view Mariannhillstr. 1c 97074 Wuerzburg DAHW strive for a world without leprosy
World Development Movement (WDM) UK Expand view 25 Beehive Place London SW9 7QR Britain's main development pressure group winning changes for the world's poor in issues like trade, debt, aid and environment/development.
Centre for Alternative Technology (CAT) UK Expand view Machynlleth Powys SY20 9AZ Aims to inspire, inform and enable society to move towards a sustainable future. The resource centre is open to the public
Minority Rights Group (MRG) UK Expand view 54 Commercial Street London E1 6LT The Minority Rights Group works to secure the rights of ethnic, religious and linguistic minorities and indigenous peoples worldwide and to promote co-operation and understanding between communities. It does this through publishing reports and training manuals, working with partners on training events and maintaining a presence at international forums. It promotes the active participation of minorities and indigenous peoples in decisions affecting their lives, promotes the implementation of international standards, develops conflict resolution and reconciliation initiatives and advocates the needs for mainstreaming minority rights in development policies. Minority Rights Group International is a significant organisation in the field of cultural diversity. It also places a strong emphasis on gender issues, and some of the publications give a brief reference to issues that impact early childhood development, such as lack of access to health services for certain indigenous groups (though there is no specific programme on early childhood development). The resource centre is not open to the public
UNED Forum UK Expand view c/o United Nations Asociation 3 Whitehall Court London SW1A 2EL A multi-sectoral forum that aims to promote sustainable development and implementation of the Rio and Rio+10 (Johannesburg) conferences. It organises dialogues, round table discussions and publishes reports for and on behalf of its multi-stakeholder members and gorups
Pesticides Aciton Network UK UK Expand view The Brighthelm Centre North Road Brighton BN1 1YD PAN Uk promotes healthy food, agriculture and an environment which will provide food and meet public health needs without harm to food producers and agricultural workers. PAN UK is an independent, non-profit organisation working nationally and internationally with like-minded groups and individuals concerned with health, environment and development. It aims to eliminate the hazards of pesticides; reduce dependence on pesticides and prevent unnecessary expansion of their use; and increase the sustainable and ecological alternatives to chemical pest control. It runs a resource centre that is open to the public
Health Action International (HAI) Europe Netherlands Expand view Jacob van Lennepkade 334-T 1053 NJ Amsterdam Aim: To promote the rational use of medical drugs along the lines of the WHO's Essential Drugs concept and to improve access to essential treatment
Britain Zimbabwe Society (BZS) UK Expand view 16 Longland Salisbury SP2 7ET BZS aims to respect understanding and friendship between the peoples of Zimbabwe and the UK. It is a membership organisation and a network of friends of Zimbabwe, undertaking awareness raising, education and information exchange as well as supporting groups involved in linking and twinning activities
AIDS Education Research Trust (AVERT) UK Expand view 4 Brighton Road Horsham West Sussex RH13 5BA Organisation runs a large educational HIV & AIDS website including information booklets and posters that can be downloaded. Funds HIV & AIDS projects in resource-poor communities
All Party Parliamentary Group on Population, Development and Reproductive Health (APG/PDRH) UK Expand view Room 563 Portcullis House Westminster London SW1A 2LW The APPG is a group of MPs and Peers working together to promote population, development and reproductive health issues. It aims to review popoulaiton policies, family planning programmes, contraceptive techniques and practices, and to review population trends, policies and programmes overseas, and the impact that population growth, structure and distribution has on their programmes of economic and social development and reporoductive health