
Epilepsy Support Foundation (ESF)


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P O Box A104
Epilepsy Centre
43 St David Road Hatfield

Aims to provide backup for people with epilepsy in every aspect of life. They do this through the widespread provision of information about epilepsy in the form of newsletters, posters, leaflets and a resource centre that is open to the public. They also provide counselling, assist support groups for people with epilepsy, and run workshops on epilepsy. Operates a Resource Centre that is open to the public

Uganda Society for Disabled Children (USDC)


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P O Box 16346

The principal aim of USOC is to provide the necessary resources and opportunities for children with disabilities to achieve their potential and lead fulfilling lives. Its objectives are community education about disability, transfer of knowlesge and skills, direct assistance to individual children and support to provision of essential services. The USOC resource centre is open to the public

Central Board of Health (CBOH)


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PO Box 32588

Provides comprehensive health policy guidelines and strategies for effective health care delivery at all levels as well as the monitoring and evaluation of health programmes. CBoH has a resource centre that is open to the public. It has a countrywide network of hospitals and clinics.

Tanzania Food and Nutrition Centre (TFNC)


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PO Box 977
Ocean Road No 22
Dar es Salaam

This is an autonomous institution under the umbrella of the Ministry of Health. It has the mandate of initiating and coordinating nutrition interventions, as well as carrying out research and advising the government and related institutions on all matters concerning food and nutrition. Resource Centre open to the public

Child-To-Child Kenya


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PO Box 19859

Aims to promote and preserve the health of communities worldwide by encouraging and enabling children to play an active and responsible role in the health and development of themselves, other children, their families and the community at large. the resource centre is open to the public

Uganda Protestant Medical Bureau (UPMB)


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PO Box 4127

UPMB aim: To build a self-sustaining organisation which can offer support services to member's health units and empower them to provide quality care to the communities in Uganda. UPMBs objectives are to provide a coordination, technical and logistical forum and to build human resource capacities in PHC/CBHC among member units; To network with agencies in areas of mutual interest related to health; To play an advocacy and lobbying role to policy makers, donors on behalf of the affiliated units; To liaise between government affliliated units and donors

Kenya Medical Training College, Nairobi


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PO Box 30195

Aims: To promote facilities for college education for national health manpower requirements. To provide consultancy services on health and related areas. To develop health trainers who can effectively teach, conduct operational research, develop relevant and usable health learning materials and manage health training institutions. To play an effective role in the development and expansion of opportunities to continiue with education

Islamic African Relief Agency (IARA)


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PO Box 3372

Aims to initiate and open communications among all mankind regardless of religious culture, language, race or colour; put into place the principles of charity and providing basic services to the vulnerable and needy; promote and protect human rights; and promote and support water and sanitation programmes

Gaza Community Mental Health Programme


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PO Box 1049
Gaza Strip

GCMHP is a non-profit, non-governmental organisation and was established in 1990 and adopts community-based care to tackle mental health problems. It offers community mental health services and clinical care through three clinics. Each clinic consists of a multidisciplinary team. It offers training courses for PHC, health and other professionals. In addition, the Programme conducted and published research related to stress and violence issues. The main target groups are those subjected to torture and violence, women abuse, children and drug abuse.

Health Development Information and Policy Institute (HDIP)


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PO Box 1351

HDIP is an independent Palastinian organisation specialised in policy research and advocacy of appropriate health and development policies. The institute is devoted to promoting coordination between NGO and government sectors, and provides information services, consultations, evaluations and training in systems management. HDIP has a resource centre which is open to the public

Health Education Resource Unit (HERU) - FHS


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Box 11-0236
Riad Elsolh
Beirut 1107 2020

HERU is working on a future plan that will serve the following functions: Serving as a Resource Unit for both human resources and health promotion material materials at the local and the regional level; Networking to promote professional communication and collaboration locally and among countries in the region; Development of Health Promotion Materials to respond to the shortage of Arabic materials available in the region; Providing Technical Assistance in the form of courses, consultations and training for professionals in the health field. The HERU resource centre is open to the public

National Children's Bureau (NCB)


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NCB Book Sales
8 Wakley Street
London EC1V 7QE

The National Children Bureau (NCB) is a charitable organisation that acts as an umbrella body for oraganisations working for children in England and Northern Ireland. NCB offers a range of services to both members and non-members, including: library and information service; conference facilities; event management; consultancy. NCB is also a publisher in the field of children's services and children's studies. Titles can be browsed and ordered via the online bookshop.
