Rural Libraries and Resources Development Programme (RLRDP) Zimbabwe Expand view PO Box 439 Bulawayo The organisation seeks to facilitate the establishment of rural information resource centres/libraries through the training of librarians and the placement of relevent reading materials in centres for use by all segments of the rural community. The RLRDP resource centre is open to the public
Association SOS SIDA|Jeunesse Mobilisee Burkina Faso Expand view 01 B P 2162 Ougadougou 01 SOS SIDA aim to improve the education of rural and urban population on AIDS and Health and Sexual reproduction. Its objectives are: counselling and voluntary HIV depositing; medical, psychological and social caretaking of people living with HIV/AIDS and HIV fatherless children (children whose parents have died of AIDS). The SOS SIDA resource centre is open to the public
Church Human Services AIDS Prevention Programme (CHUSA) Uganda Expand view P O Box 14123 Kampala Aims to limit and control the spread of HIV/AIDS and to mitigate its impact throughout the country, working through the dioceses. Its resource centre is open to the public
Lumiere Action Côte d'Ivoire Expand view 14 BP2101 Abidjan Aims to give psychological and social support to people living with HIV. To provide information to help the prevention of HIV. To fight for the rights of people living with HIV as well as many other discriminations. To promote the access to clinical carre and therapy treatment. Resource centre open to the public
The AIDS Information and Support Centre (TASC) Swaziland Expand view PO Box 1279 Manzini TASC aims to support the reduction of HIV infections and AIDS. Its objetives are to reach out to vulnerable individuals and groups, communities and the general public with appropriate HIV/AIDS prevention messages; to work in close collaboration and cooperation with the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare and other stakeholders in skills building and networking; to provide a daily voluntary client walk-in service for counselling, testing and education; and to operate a daily telephone help-line. The resource centre is open to the public
African Medical and Research Foundation (AMREF)|South Africa South Africa Expand view PO Box 11489 The Tram Shed Pretoria 0126 Aims to improve the health of disadvantaged people in South Africa. It does this through the development, testing and promotion of appropriate models for improving health; contributing to capacity strengthening at all levels of sustainable health action; and contributing to the development of an enabling environment for health improvement. The Resource Centre is not open to the public
AIDS Care Education and Training (ACET Uganda) Uganda Expand view PO Box 9710 Kampala ACET's aims are to build the capacity of local communities / Community based organisations / non-governmental organisations to reduce the impact of HIV/AIDS. To foster the development of life skills and quality provision of life skills education for young people. To be a technical resource centre to communities, institutions and international bodies in the development appropriate international responses. The ACET resource centre is open to the public
Ethiopian Public Health Association (EPHA) Ethiopia Expand view PO Box 7117 Addis Ababa Aims to advance public health measures for the promotion of health, prevention of diseases, treatment of the sick and rehabilitation of the disabled. It tries to do this through bringing together health professionals; making health policy recommendations; promoting professional standards, the advancement of research and networking; advancing research;and working with sister associations
Family AIDS Caring Trust Masvingo (FACT) Zimbabwe Expand view PO Box 1626 Masvingo FACT is an AIDS service organisation providing a very wide range of services. These include orphan care, home based care, training and support of educators, trainers and the setting up of support groups for people living with AIDS. It provides health care from its clinic and free medication to people who can not afford to pay. It is also involved in advocacy and lobbying policy makers to provide better health services to the public. The FACT clinic resource centre is open to the public
Family Planning Private Sector - FPPS (K) Kenya Expand view PO Box 46042 Nairobi Capacity building for NGOs and CBDs and the private sector, especially in personnel training, supply of equipment and materials and involvement of community members in use of cultural communication in their development. Actual address: 5th Floor, Longonot Place, Kijabe Street
Ghana Red Cross Society (GRCS) Ghana Expand view PO Box 3198 Accra Aims to alleviate human suffering through providing relief to disaster victims and assisting communities to prevent disasters; improving the lives of the most vulnerable through programmes, services and advocacy; and protecting the environment through tree planting, sanitation and environmental programmes
Stop AIDS Organisation Nigeria Expand view Box 5052 Murtala Mohammed Airport Ikeja, Lagos StopAIDS aim to prevent and combat the incidence of HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases by designing and implementing appropriate public education and enlightenment programmes for target populations. To the worried well, we provide care, compromising of medical treatment, counselling and psycho-social support. Also they aim to create awareness amongst women who provide support training in the motor park. Empowering them with appropriate training and retraining of women in the sexual and reproductive health arena. The StopAIDS resource centre is open to the public
Tanzania Public Health Association (TPHA) Tanzania Expand view PO Box 7785 Dar es Salaam TPHA's goal is to promote health and prevent disease in Tanzania through sound public health practices. To achieve its mission TPHA undertales to address the following programme objectives: (1) To provide forums for persons interested in public health activities to exchange knowledge and info; (2) to address health related issues affecting the community and to disseminate info relating to public health; (3) to facilitate the development and dissemination of culturally relevant health promotion info to vulnerable groups (4) to promote research in public health related problems; (5) to influence public health policy in Tazania.
Luanshya Humanist Society Zambia Expand view PO Box 230 Mpatamatu Luanshya Copper Belt The main aim of the Society is to promote community-based health programmes such as to teach and disseminate health education information to the community on prevention of communicable disease, promote family planning, to train young people on vocational courses especially design, and tailoring
L'Association de Cooperation en Tunisie (ACT) Tunisia Expand view BP 145 1080 Tunis-Cedex ACT works in cooperation with the Government of the Republic of Tunisia and recognised national, international and non Governmental organisations. ACT prioritises action which will impact those disadvantaged through poverty, unequal opportunity or social marginalisation. ACT seeks to be a catalyst for change creating partnerships that will facilitate the exchange of beneficial attitude and skills