International Maternal and Child Health (IMCH)|University Hospital of Uppsala Sweden Expand view Uppsala University S-751 85 Uppsala IMCH includes three research groups and a teaching group. It offers a master's programme in International Health, and numerous free courses. The resource centre is open to the public
International Union for Health Promotion and Education (IUHPE) France Expand view 2 rue Auguste Comte 92170 Vanves The IUHPE mission is to promote global health and to contribute to the achievement of equality in health between and within the countries of the world. The IUPHE fulfils its mission by building and operating an independent, global, professional network of individuals and institutions to encourage the free exchange of ideas, knowledge, know-how, experiences, and the development of relevant collaboration projects, both at global and regional levels
Institute for Nutrition Research, University of Oslo Norway Expand view 1046 Blindern N-0316 Oslo The resource centre is open to the public
International Federation of Anti-Leprosy Associations (ILEP) Switzerland Expand view International Federation of Anti-Leprosy Associations Avenue de France, 23 1202 Geneva Switzerland ILEP members support medical, scientific, social and humanitarian activities throughout the world to cure and rehabilitate people affected by leprosy and to prevent and eventually eradicate the disease. Almost half of all new leprosy cases detected each year are found in members' programmes. Between them ILEP members contribute an annual budget of $US60 million to anti-leprosy work, funding more than a thousand projects in 97 countries
GOAL UK UK Expand view 7 Hanson Street London W1W 6TE GOAL is an international relief and developent agency dedicated to alleviating the suffering of the poorest of the poor in the developing world. GOAL believes that every human being has the right to the fundamentals of life ie fod, water, shelter, literacy and medical attention
Stichting Van Tiel tot Tropen (TTT) Netherlands Expand view Post box 443 4000AK Tiel Provides funds and know-how to aid in self sufficiency. It does not encourage coming to industrialised countries for education or training, and therefore provides the means to participate in regional training programmes in Africa itself. Besides health education for the general public, their aim is to reach local health workers [under development]
The Manoff Group USA Expand view 2001 S Street, NW Washington DC 20009 The Manoff Group specialises in behaviour-centred programming for health, nutrition, family planning and environmental programs. It works all over the world to develop integrated programs that bring about positive behaviour change. The Manoff Group designs and uses qualitative research to identify appropriate interventions - including media, materials and programs - that affect both the healthcare network and community environment for the benefit of the client. The resource centre is not open to the public
Communicacion Andina Peru Expand view Casilla Postal 700 Mariscal Gamarra 13-B (Primera Etapa) Cuzco This is a small non-profit organisation composed of educators, health personnel and environmentalists. It carries out community-based development projects addressed at indigenous communities in the rural and peri-urban areas of the Inka region of Peru, specifically addressed at women, children and adolescents. It supports such projects with IEC stratgies. It works for development in order to improve the quality of life of indigenous people
International Medical Services for Health (INMED) USA Expand view 45449 Severn Way, Suite 161 Sterling, VA 20166 INMED is a nonprofit health and development organisation dedicated to improving the health and quality of life of people around the world. Since 1986, INMED has worked worldwide to build partnerships that enable local sustainability of community-based programmes, develop and strengthen appropriate health education strategies and materials, offer technical assistance at both grassroots and professional levels, and create sustainable systems for delivery of quality medicines and medical supplies. INMED's active partnerships among international and community-based nonprofit organisations, corporations, governments, bilateral/multilateral organisations, and teachers, parents and children, support our goal of viable, sustainable preventive health programmes for medically underserved populations worldwide
Wellstart International USA Expand view 4062 First Avenue San Diego CA 92103-2045 Wellstart's mission is to advance the knowledge, skills and ability of health care providers regarding the promotion, protection and support of optimal infant and maternal health and nutrition from conception through to the completion of weaning. This mission is pursued through a number of objectives: the integration of basic knowledge and skills needed to fulfil the mission; the improvement of the knowledge and skills of currently practising health care providers through the provision of postgraduate (continuous) training opportunities; and the development of faculty leadership for preservice postgraduate education regarding the optimal maternal and infant health and nutrition. Wellstart is a WHO collaborating center on promoting and protecting breastfeeding, with particular emphasis on lactation management education. The resource centre is not open to the public
AIDS Programs of the National Minority AIDS Council (NMAC) USA Expand view 1931, 13th Street NW Washington DC 20009-4432 NMAC aims to develop leadership of colour within communities to address the challenges of HIV/AIDS. NMAC's Public Policy Division works to promote sound national HIV/AIDS, health and social policies that are responsive to the needs of the diverse communities impacted by HIV/AIDS. The technical assistance team conduct individual, on-site Community Based Organization (CBO) management and organizational needs assessments in order to support long-term organizational health of front-line AIDS service organizations. They provides in-depth training and conferences opportunities to AIDS service organizations across the country, and produce publications including a quarterly newsletter, NMAC Lifeline. The resource centre is not open to the public
Fundaci¢n para Estudio e Investigaci¢n de la Mujer (FEIM) Argentina Expand view Paraná 135 piso 3 Dpto 13 1017 Buenos Aires FEIM aims to develop research, studies, projects, courses, workshops and other activities in order to improve social, labour, legal, political, economic, family and health conditions for women in Argentina. The resource centre is open to the public
Corporación Chilena de Prevención del SIDA (CChPS) Chile Expand view Casilla 49 Correo 22 ST60 Santiago CChPS os a community based institution that seeks to reduce the transmission of HIV, the development of AIDS in people living with the virus, and the negative impacts of the epidemic (such as social discrimination) especially among homosexual men in Santiago and other regios of Chile, through the mobilisation of the communities involved. The resource centre is open to the public
Instituto Centroamericano de Salud (ICAS)|Central American Health Institute Costa Rica Expand view PO Box 6-2010 San Jose ICAS is a non-governmental, non-profit organisation dedicated exclusively to the improvement of the health of the population of Central America. It aims to improve the quality of life, especially that of the poorest and most vulnerable groups
Economic Rural Development Society (ERDS) India Expand view 6 Kiron Sankar Roy Road Ground Floor, Room 3, Calcutta 700 001 ERDS aims at the process of change particularly for the weaker sections of the population. It also aims to bring about an integrated and comprehensive socio-economic development, as well as to enhance its awareness among the rural people. The developmental activities being implemented by ERDS include sustainable agriculture, women and child development, education for all children, and elevation of the status of elderly people in society. Their resource centre is open to the public