Baby Milk Action (BMA) UK Expand view 23 St Andrew's St Cambridge CB1 3AX BMA aims to save infant lives and to end the avoidable suffering caused by inappropriate marketing policies and practices of the baby feeding industry and by ensuring that mothers and infants worldwide are effectively represented wherever decisions affecting infant feeding are made
Practical Action [formerly Intermediate Technology Development Group (ITDG)] UK Expand view The Schumacher Centre for Technology & Development Bourton Hall, Bourton-on-Dunsmore, Rugby Warwickshire CV23 9QZ ITDG specialises in helping people to use technology for practical answers to poverty. With ITDG, poor women and men can develop technology which puts people first. The resource centre is open to the public
Tropical Health and Education Trust (THET) UK Expand view 24 Eversholt Street London NW1 1AD THET assists those who are responsible for training health care workers in the poorer countries of the world to reach their goals, so that they are able to prepare those who are being trained in the most appropriate and effective way for the tasks that they will be called to do, relevant to the needs of local communities. THET works with institutions and does not respond to individual applications for help. Much of the work of the Trust is to enable individuals to reach their goals set for them in the context of their home University or other instituation. To work with partners in Africa to strengthen healthcare training. By responding to their needs and working over long time scales we aim to help our partners to achieve their goals. Our work builds on the existing infrastructure and compliments the efforts of health authorities. We have been established for 15 years and have long term relationships with health institutions and professionals in over 8 african countries and with more than 18 UK hospital trusts.
International Extension College (IEC) UK Expand view 95 Tenison Road Cambridge CB1 2DL IEC is working to promote development and improvement in the quality if life in less developed countries through the expansion of educational opportunities. Our core activity is the provision of training, consultancy, information and technical support in the development, design and delivery of distance education programmes. The IEC resource centre is open to the public
Earthscan Publications UK Expand view 120 Pentonville Road London N1 9JN Earthscan publishes books for professional, academic and general readers on environmetally sustainable development
International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) UK Expand view International Planned Parenthood Federation 4 Newhams Row London SE1 3UZ IPPF promotes the right of women and men, including young people, to decide freely the number and spacing of their children, and the right to the highest possible level of sexual and reproductive health. It emphasises maternal and child health and works to promote safe motherhood. It recognises male needs and responsibilities, and actively encourages men's participantion in family planning and other sexual and reproductive health issues. It promotes and supports equal rights and empowerment for women. It recognises that young people have the right to sexual and reproductive health information, education, health, choice and confidentiality. Focuses on five priority areas, including adolescents, HIV/AIDS, abortion, access and advocacy. Publishes widely, and publications can be downloaded as free resources.
King's Fund UK Expand view 11-13 Cavendish Square London W1M 0AN The King's Fund works to improve the health of Londoners, with specific reference to reducing health inequalities, promoting the benefits of diversity and incresing the public's voice on health policy and practice. The King's Fund resource centre is open to the public
Panos Institute UK Expand view 9 White Lion St London N1 9PD Panos believes people will only be lifted out of poverty if they have a greater say in their own development. Panos works with the media to produce informative articles and radio programmes and to stimulate public debate within developing countries on issues like HIV/AIDs, unjust trade rules and climate change
Department of International and Rural Development UK Expand view University of Reading Earley Gate Whiteknights Road PO Box 237 Reading RG6 6AR Offers postgraduate MSc, Diploma, MA and PhD courses in rural development and arranges overseas training seminars, research and consultancies in over 40 countries. Publishes "Rural Development Communications Bulletin".
Returned Volunteer Action (RVA) UK Expand view 1 Amwell Street London EC1R 1VL RVA attempts to work critically at the role of working or volunteering and the concept of development. It is comitted to ensuring that the experiences of overseas workers are put to effective use on their return, through feedback to potential volunteers and through woking with NGOs. The RVA resource centre is open to the public by arrangement
Royal College of Nursing (RCN) UK Expand view 20 Cavendish Square London W1G 0RN The RCN is the voice of nursing in the UK. It is run by and for nurses. It campaigns on behalf of nurses and nursing and it is the leading player in the development of nursing practice and standards of care. It provides higher education, and promotes research, quality and practice development through the RCN institute. Its resource centre is not open to the public
University of Manchester|Faculty of Education UK Expand view Primary Health Care Courses Oxford Road Manchester M13 9PL Primary Health Care unit's main aim is to provide and teach two modules in Primary Health Care. One module focuses on Primary Health Care as Education for Development in which the students examine the nature and causes of ill health from historical, political, socio-economic and international perspectives. The other module is on Participatory learning and Action for primary health care in which the students examine and criticise a range of approaches to education for health. The students are given the option of whole courses, advanced diploma or a masters degree. The Unit has a resource centre that is open to the public
University of Wales College of Medicine UK Expand view MPH Office University of Wales College of Medicine Health Park Cardiff CF14 4XN The aim of the Centre is to train and undertake research in public health. its resource centre is not open to the public
Deutsches Aussaetzigen-Hilfswerk (DAHW) Germany Expand view Mariannhillstr. 1c 97074 Wuerzburg DAHW strive for a world without leprosy
London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (LSHTM) UK Expand view Keppel Street London WC1E 7HT The LSHTM mission is to contribute to the improvement of health worldwide through the pursuit of excellence in research, postgraduate training, advanced training and consultancy in international public health and tropical medicine. To achieve this the school will enhance it's role as: Britain's national school of public health; a leading institution in Europe for research and postgraduate education education in public health and tropical medicine; and an internatinoal centre of excellence in public health and medicine in developing countries. The LSHTM resource centre is open to the public