Ministry of Health Tanzania Expand view PO Box 9083 Dar Es Salaam Formulates policy and health legislation. Plans and implements public health related interventions including proper hygiene and sanitation, immunisation of children under 5, health services for women of child-bearing age, and helath education to ensure healthy lifestyles and health practices. Provides training to key health workers. Coordinates and oversees the provision of clinical services
African Council of AIDS Service Organisations (AFRICASO) Senegal Expand view B P 3370 54 Rue Carnot Dakar Aims to strengthen and network among organisations and groups working on HIV/AIDS at the national and regional levels; advocate for the interests of communittes and community-based organisations working on HIV/AIDS and to promote the development of the capacity of the AIDS service organisations to lobby for their interests; and exchange and facilitate the sharing of appropriate, practical and timely information in HIV/AIDS with and among organisations working onHIV/AIDS in Africa. The resource centre is open to the public
Centre for Development Studies (CDS) Egypt Expand view 4 Ahmad Pasha St (City Bank Bldg) 4th Floor, Garden City Cairo Mission: to support individualised organisations realise their full potential and foster self-determined, self-sustaining change. This mission is premised on our behalf that participation is imperative to learning and change. CDS operate based on a need response mode, with a wide array of stake holders, International society, government and private sector organisations. Our approach relies on bringing stakeholsers to realise and appreciate their interdependence and work together to bring about meaningful change. The CDS resource centre is open to the public
World Health Organization (WHO)|Regional Office for the Western Pacific (WPRO) Philippines Expand view United Nations Avenue 2932 1000 Manila Their mission is to support all countries and people in their quest to achieve the highest level of health, defined in the WHO constitution as a state of complete, physical, mental and social wellbeing, not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. The resource centre is open to health and development professionals
Development Bookshop UK Expand view c/o ITDG Publishing Bourton Hall Bourton-on-Dunsmore Rugby, Warwickshire CV23 9QZ is operated by Practical Action Publishing (the new trading name for Intermediate Technology Publications Ltd.) and offers a wide range of titles on international development and related issues from Practical Action Publishing and other publishers. Publishes a range of practical manuals, directories, bibliographies, case studies and three journals
African Books Collective (ABC) UK Expand view PO Box 721 Oxford OX1 9EN African Books Collective, founded, owned and governed by African publishers, seeks to strengthen indigenous African publishing through collective action and to increase the visibility and accessibility of the wealth of African scholarship and culture. ABC markets and distributes African published books globally outside Africa, and publishes resource material for African book and publishing communities. ABC stocks largely English language titles in 56 subject disciplines, including health and development. Some 150 new titles are added each year. There is an emphasis on scholarly and academic books, literature, and general culture titles. There are a small number of children’s titles in Swahili, and some titles in French.
International Center for Research on Women (ICRW) USA Expand view 1717 Massachusetts Avenue, NW Suite 302 Washington, DC 20036 ICRW is an nonprofit organisation dedicated to improving the lives of women, promoting equality and human rights and contributing to the improvement of their economic and social status. It undertakes evidence-based, action-orientated research, provides technical assistance to organisations and governments and advocates for effective policies and programmes. Publishes extensively around violence against women, poverty, nutrition, human rights, governance and HIV and AIDS. Many publications can be downloaded from the website.
National Academies Press USA Expand view 500 Fifth Street, NW Lockbox 285 Washington, DC 20055 Publisher for United States National Academy of Sciences, National Academy of Engineering, Institute of Medicine, National Research Council. Plymbridge is the distributor for the United Kingdom, Europe, the Middle East and Africa. See regional distributors for other countries.
Books for Change India Expand view 139, Richmond Road Bangalore 560 025 Books for Change is a publishing and distribution initiative set up to support the communication needs of civil society organisations and the development sector in India. It aims to bring together the enormous resources and leadership that exist in this area by communicating facts, perceptions and possibilities to do with social change as well as share information relevant to the change process. Orders can be submitted to
Amani Early Childhood Care and Development (Amani ECCD)|Amani Trust Foundation Tanzania Expand view PO Box 11245 Dar es Salaam Amani ECCD advocates for and facilitates integrated, multisectoral approaches to supporting women, families, carers, educators and communities, in their roles of nurturing Tanzania's socially and economically disadvantaged young children. It calls for a commitment from government, donors and communities to ensure the basic foundation stones for the optimal development of the child. Amani's "Early Childhood Care and Education : Foundations of Development Progamme" aims to improve the commitment to holistic ECD support at all levels to inform the development of integrated and multisectoral support to national ECD policies. Its "Building the Foundations of Development : Tanzanian ECD IEC programme" raises awareness of ECD issues with key stakholders and the wider community through a targeted ECD IEC programme. Amani ECD is also the Secretariat of the Tanzania ECD network, a national network of government and non-government ECD related organisations
Humiliza Project|Terres Des Hommes Switzerland Expand view 31 ch. Frank-Thomas 1208 Geneva The mission of the Terre des Hommes organisations is to work for the rights of the child and to promote equitable development without racial, religious, cultural or gender-based discrimination. To this end, they support development projects designed to improve the living conditions of disadvantaged children, their families and their communities. The Convention on the Rights of the Child, constitutes the conceptual framework guiding TDH activities The Humiliza Project involved the production of a manual that should enhance the capacity of any adults to listen and to talk to orphans or children of terminally sick parents and to understand better their situation and their needs. In such a way, the community improves its capacity to cope with some consequences of AIDS. The main objective of the manual is to improve the capacity of the community to deal better with some consequences of HIV/AIDS. The manual is available on the web (see
Cordaid Netherlands Expand view PO Box 16440 2500BK The Haag Cordaid is one of the biggest international development organisations. Together with more than a thousand local organisations, Cordaid fights poverty and injustice in over forty countries throughout Africa, Asia, Latin America, the Middle East, Central and Eastern Europe and the Netherlands. Cordaid works to create a permanent healthy, liveable environment and sufficient income for poor and vulnerable groups in cities in developing countries. Particular attention is paid to women, young people, the elderly and refugees. Cordaid is working in the themes of health and care, peace and conflict, access to markets, quality of urban life, the rights and care of marginalised groups, and HIV/AIDS
Education, Training and Development Practices (ETDP) SETA South Africa Expand view PO Box 5734 Rivonia 2128 The primary function of the ETDP SETA is to facilitate skills development in the education, training and development (ETD) sector. They run a varity of courses, for example courses and units which can be taken in supporting children and adults living with HVI/AIDS in ECD settings. The elective unit is suitable for educators, caregivers and community workers working with adults and children in group, informal or family settings [see fro more information]
Family Health International (FHI) USA Expand view PO Box 13950 Research Triangle Park NC 27709 Works to improve reproductive and family health around the world through bio-medical and social science research, innovative health service delivery interventions, and training and information programmes. It works in partnership with universities, ministries of health and NGOs, conducting on-going projects in the USA and more than 40 developing countries. The resource centre is open to the public
IPAS USA Expand view PO Box 5027 Chapel Hill NC 27516 Ipas has worked for three decades to increase women's ability to exercise their sexual and reproductive rights and to reduce deaths and injuries of women from unsafe abortion. Ipas's global and country programs include training, research, advocacy, distribution of equipment and supplies for reproductive-health care, and information dissemination. Publishes widely around women's health, reproductive health, abortion, adolescents, international health policies, and violence against women. Ipas has distributors in 30 countries worldwide. The complete contents of many Ipas publications and multimedia materials can be downloaded from the website. Printed copies of most publications are available in English, Spanish and Portuguese.