
Christian Aid Resources Centre


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35 Lower Marsh
PO Box 100
London SE1 7RT

Christian Aid is an agency of the churches in the UK and Ireland. It works wherever the need is the greatest, irrespective of religion. It supports local organisations to undestand local needs. It strives for a new world, transformed by an end to poverty, and campaigns to change the rules that keep people poor
The Christian Aid resources centre has a collection of more than 5,000 books and 90 journals, specialising in economic and social development. The subject areas covered include HIV/AIDS, agriculture, environment, poverty reduction, gender, conflict, emergencies, Planning Monitoring and Evaluation (PME), capacity building, trade issues and land reform. There is a fully searchable database of 17,000 records, including books, documents, journals, videos, articles, websites and archive materials (not available through the website). The services are targeted at Christian Aid staff, but visitors with an appointment are welcome. The library is open Monday - Friday, 10am - midday, and 2 pm - 4pm

King's Fund


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11-13 Cavendish Square
London W1M 0AN

The King's Fund works to improve the health of Londoners, with specific reference to reducing health inequalities, promoting the benefits of diversity and incresing the public's voice on health policy and practice. The King's Fund resource centre is open to the public

Order of St. John


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Priory House
25 St John's Lane
London EC1M4PP

Aims ot prevent and relieve sickness and injury, and to act to enhance the health and well-being of people of all races and creeds anywhere in the world. The order works through its two foundations, St John Eye Hospital in Jerusalem and the St John Ambulance

Pesticides Aciton Network UK


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The Brighthelm Centre
North Road

PAN Uk promotes healthy food, agriculture and an environment which will provide food and meet public health needs without harm to food producers and agricultural workers. PAN UK is an independent, non-profit organisation working nationally and internationally with like-minded groups and individuals concerned with health, environment and development. It aims to eliminate the hazards of pesticides; reduce dependence on pesticides and prevent unnecessary expansion of their use; and increase the sustainable and ecological alternatives to chemical pest control. It runs a resource centre that is open to the public

Centre for International Co-operation & Appropriate Technology (CICAT)|Delft University of Technology


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PO Box 5048

Responsible for the promotion and coordination of the Delft University of Technology's efforts in the field of development cooperation. CICAT's main activities are associated with inter-institutional linkages in which different academic partners in the Netherlands cooperate with one or more research institutes abroad. CICAT can provide technical assistance with engineering activities, especially water management, sanitation and construction engineering. The focus of the Documentation Centre collection is on the technological aspects of development cooperation. The resource centre is open to the public

Strategies and Tools against Social Exclusion and Poverty (STEP) Programme


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4 route des Morillons
CH 1211 Geneva 22

STEP is an operational tool to promote the extension of social protection for men and women workers in the informal economy. This is achieved by bolstering the confidence of the excluded so that they realise that not only do they have the right to seek basic human security and universal and equitable access to social protection services, but that they also have the ability. Making efforts to make women more visible in their social and economic roles. This contributes to the overall preparations for the follow up to the 4th World Conference on Women in Bejing (1995) through the "Bejing plus 5" in 2000. Through a participatory approach, STEP works in the field of microinsurance as a means for the excluded to claim their basic human security, such as equitable access to health care and other social protection services. The STEP strategies include the implementation of development projects, action research, advocacy and policy dialogue. STEP works in partnership with governments, workers' and employers' organisations, international development organisations, research centres, group-based organisations (social economy) and selected NGOs

WASTE: Advisors on Urban Environment and Development


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Nieuwehaven 201
2801 CN Gouda

WATE is a non-profit organisation for development projects in countries in Africa, Asia, Latin America and Eastern Europe. WASTE worls for organisations that aim at a sustainable improvement of the livnig conditions of the urban low-income population and of the urban environment in general

Bureau International Catholique de l'Enfance (BICE)


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11 rue de Cornavin
1201 Geneva

BICE aims to help achieve the integral growth of the child. In its work, BICE makes sure that the child does not become dependent, but is an active partner in his or her own development, and that of his or her human environment. The BICE resource centre is open to the public
