
Reseau Africain pour le Developpement Integre (RADI)


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P O Box 12085

The aims and objectives of RADI are to promote development are to promote development at local and national levels, to help grassroots organisations to improve the efficiency of their activities. RADI also promotes the exchange of experience between local organisations in order to reinforce their capability. The RADI resource centre is open to the public

Township AIDS Project (TAP)

South Africa

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PO Box 4168
Johannesburg 2000

TAP aims to provide information, educaiton and training in behaviour, communication and change; to provide free information in its resource centre which is open to the public; and to provide support and care for PLAs

Hope Worldwide CI|Centre d'Assistance Socio-Médicale (CASM)

Côte d'Ivoire

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BP 1021
Cidex 06

CASM aims to: Provide comprehensive care and support for people living with HIV/AIDS and those affected. Develop a care continum both locally and nationally. Strengthen the community capacity and response to HIV/AIDS. Provide a forum for discussion and information transfer on subjects realted to HIV/AIDS. Use effective participatory prevention strategies among youth and other vulnerable groups. Promote an effective network of NGOs

Centre for the Development of People (CEDEP)


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PO Box 5601

CEDEP's overall objectives are; To empower disadvantaged groups, community-based organisations and institutions to work for the rights of their members and ensure the recognition of their needs and capacities by the structures of authority. To sensitise critical actors in society to protect the rights of the marginalised and ensure the recognition of the needs and capabilities of the latter by the structures of authority. To enhance women's ability to improve the quality of their lives through participatory decision-making, access to and control of resources, skills and benefits. To improve the quality of life of the youth through the aquisition of relevant skills and knowledge to enable them to make informed decisions in economic and social matters. To enter into partnership and joint ventures with identifiable organisations for mutual socio-economic benefit. To develop a strong network with other organisations in order to influence macro socio-economic policy

Kuleana Centre for Children's Rights


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PO Box 27

Promotes awareness and advocacy about children's rights, with particular emphasis on the girl child. Facilitates children's right to self-expression, strengthens programming capacity in child rights in Tanzania, provides essential services to and supports the rights of street children in Mwanza, and promotes universal (basic) primary education in Tanzania. Kuleana has a resource centre

Jimma University


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P O Box 378

University with five faculties: Medical Sciences; Public Health; Business; Technology; and Agriculture. Also runs a busy 250 bed rural hospital. Aims to support and educate staff to supply appropriate services. The Resource Centre is not open to the public

Save the Children UK


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PO Box 1124

SCFUK has a vision of girls and boys exercising their rights and having improved access to quality basic services and of child-led approaches being a cental element of all aspects of Save the Children's work. Its goals are the development of health systems which would lead to appropriate policies, structures, attitude and practices that will improve the accessibility of children and their families to quality services. In Uganda SC supports initiatives aimed at improving the lives of children living with HIV or orphaned because of AIDS

Kenya Red Cross Society


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PO Box 40712

Aim: to bring assistance without discrimination to the wounded on the battlefield and to endevour to prevent and alleviate human suffering wherever it may be found. Objective: to protect life and health and to ensure respect for the human being by promoting mutual understanding, friendship & cooperation & lasting peace amongst all peoples and to work as an auxiliary to the government

AIDS Counselling Trust (ACT)


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PO Box 7225

ACTs aim: To complement government efforts in preventing the spread of HIV/AIDS and also provide psycho-social support to the infected and affected. ACTSs objectives: Train a wide range of people in counselling, including potential care givers and those in contact with persons living with HIV/AIDS. Provide over the phone and face to face counselling . Identify, mobilise suitable resourse persons in the community who will facilitate the work of ACT. Develop, distribute and use appropriate materials, courses and other resources for the dissemination of informatnion on HIV/AIDS in order to influence behavioural change. The ACT resource centre is open to the public

German Development Cooperation Health Systems Research GTZ-HSR


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PO Box 2406

The programme has the overall objective to improve reproductive health services and facilitate health care reforms in the Southern African Region through health systems research, within the different countries themselves as well as at an inter-country level. Through this regional approach, it will contribute to the strengthening of communication and collaboration between neighbouring countries (South-South co-operation). Special emphasis is laid on practical, decentralised research, which can be directly translated into action.
Resource Centre onpen to the public

Planned Parenthood Association of Ghana (PPAG)


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PO Box 5756
Accra - North

The aim is for Ghana to become a country in which the youth are well informed about sexual and reproductive issues and can confidently exercise their right of choice of Sexual and Reproductive Health services without fear and/or any obstacle from any sector of the society The resource centre is open to the public

St Francis Hospital


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Private Bag 11

This is a district general hospital, supplying first level services to a catchment population of 200 000, and second level surgical services to a population of 1 million. There is a nursing and midwifery training school, and it also acts as a training hospital for medical students, both local and abroad. The resource centre is not open to the public

Walio Katika Mapambano na AIDS Tanzania (WAMATA)


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PO Box 33279
Dar es Salaam

WAMATA deals with HIV transmission. AIms include: the reduction of social, pathological, psychological, legal and humnan rights problems for people living with HIV/AIDS; An increase in the institutions capacity in counselling and home based care services; Institutional support; Monitoring and evaluation of performance facilities with WAMATA branches. The WMATA resource centre is open to the public
