
Britain Nepal Medical Trust (BNMT)


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PO Box 9

BNMT aims to assist the people of Nepal to improve their health by working in partnership with the Ministry of Health, international and local NGOs, and local communities to establish and maintain sustainable basic health, empowerment, advocacy and intitutional development and strengthening



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C-54 Top Floor South Extension II
New Delhi 110 049

Jagori is an oganisation working with the women's movement in India. They have taken up many of the issues the women's movement raised and intorduced issues for it to absorb. Jagori undertakes a variety of activities including offering training courses, organising campaigns, producing materials and runnind a resource and documentation centre. The centre is open to the public

South India AIDS Action Programme (SIAAP)


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4 First Street
Kamaraj Avenue
Chennai 600 020

SIAAP's aim is to help communities affected by HIV/AIDS to cope with the epidemic. Its objectives are to assist the development of community organisations as a complement to the NGO sector; improve the quality of service delivery through development and implementation of specific services; to influence policy towards better practice in HIV; to strengthen the community networks of people affected by HIV/AIDS; and to develop a centre of professional trainers for HIV in the region. The resource centre is open to the public

Planned Parenthood Association of Thailand (PPAT)


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8 Soi Vibhavadi-Rangsit 44
Bangkok 10900

PPAT's objectives are to provide information, guidance, counselling, education and training about family planning, reproductive/sexual health, sex education, family life education, empowerment of women and quality of life development for the general public and more specifically its target groups. It also aims to stimulate and promote the individual's responsibility toward their families in order to improve the quality of life of each family and community, and the country as a whole. It has a network of 7 clinics. The resource centre is open to the public

Bangladesh Women's Health Coalition (BWHC)


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10/2 Iqbal Road, Mohammedpur
PO Box 2295
Dhaka - 1207

BWHC works with underpriveleged and marginalised women, children and youth through health oriented development interventions, with a prime focus on reproductive health services and action oriented community education. It is committed to bringing about positive changes in the quality of women's life by making available reproductive and primary health care services as well as other basic social services that enable women to exercise their reproductive and human rights. BWHC firmly believes that the quality of women's lives is enhanced by emphasising an inclusive gender approach, community participation and working in integration and collaboration with government and other relevant organisations. The resource centre is not open to the public

Training Organisation for Research and Counselling in Health (TORCH)


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45, Friends Colony East, Plot No 2
New Delhi - 110 065

TORCH is committed to reducerisk-taking behaviour and prevent the transmission of and infection with HIV in vulnerable groups through the process of informaion giving, training of peer educators, networking, advocacy and programme development. TORCH runs the NACO AIDS hotline for the Delhi region. It is also working with street children to reduce HIV risk-taking behaviour, with the support of CAPS and UCSF. It also provides a counselling service. Their resource centre is not open to the public

Al-Falah Bangladesh


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11/20 Iqbal Road
Mohammed Pur

Al-Falah works for the social and economic development of the urban poor particularly the refugee community. Its main objectives are to provide health services and education to reduce the risk of disease and economic depression; to strengthen co-ordination through networking; and to develop the capacity of the organisation

Rural Outreach


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PO Box 97
Udon Thani 41000

The Rural Outreach provides education about HIV/AIDS and sexual/reproductive health for rural housewives, youth and parents. Aims to improve understanding of relationships within the family, how to prevent HIV/AIDS and how to protect oneself from contracting HIV

Centre for the Rehabilitation of the Paralysed (CRP)


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P O; CRP-Chapain
Savar, Dhaka 1343

The objectives of CRP are to improve the quality of life of PWDs in Bangladesh and ensure their equal opportunities; to provide treatment and rehabilitation focusing on physical, emotional, social, psychological an economic aspects; to promote the development of skilled personnel in health care and rehabilitation in the Bangladesh; to raise awareness about disability issues locally and nationally; to organise and promote programmes for the prevention of disability; and to promote community-based rehabilitation programmes for increased coverage and social integration of disabled people in collaboration with other organisations. Their resource centre is not open to the public

Friends of the Breathless Foundation


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6 Ankita
Aptt SNO260/2/16
Aunah, Pune 411007

Works in the fields of asthma, TB, occupational health, HIV/AIDS and disaster medicine. Focusses on advocacy, patient education, information dissemination promotion of networking materials production, distribution, adaptation and translation

Alternative for India Development (AID)


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No. 1 VGN Nagar,
Iyyappan Thangal
Chennai 600 056

This organisation aims to empower poor people to deal with their problems by themselves; to provide training, information and resource support for the strengthening of grassroots organisations; to promote education and health for all; and to enhance livelihoods. Their resource centre is open to the public

Talikala, Inc


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PO Box 80210
Davao City

Talikala's goal is to improve the quality of life of women prostitutes and survivors of prostitution. Its objectives are to improve the reproductive health of sex workers; to work towards gender justice in society; to enhance sex workers' opportunities for self-sufficiency; and to create and provide support systems for sex workers

Malaysian Association for the Blind (MAB)


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PO Box 10687
50722 Kuala Lumpur

The aims and objectives of MAB are to help visually impaired persons to overcome their visual problems; to prepare them for a vocation; to secure gainful employment and to be independent; to upgrade their quality of life and provide opportunities for full integration; to inform and create public awareness of the needs and capabilities of persons with visual impairment; and to help prevent blindness. The resource centre is open to public

Philippines NGO Support Program (PHANSuP)


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Mezzanine Brickville Condominium
28 N. Domingo Street
New Manila
1112 Quezon City

Aims to limit the spread of HIV and the impact of AIDS in order to enhance the quality of life of indivivduals, families and communities by mobilising and actively building the capacity of NGOs and comunity-based organisations to develop, implement and improve their reprodctive health programmes. PHANSuP provides comprehensive support including financial, organisational and technical support to NGOs, and CBOs, local units of professional associations to build their capacity to carry out effective sustainable responses to reproductive and sexual health and HIV/AIDS. The resource centre will open in June 2002

Information and Research Centre at the King Hussein Foundation (IRC)


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PO BOX 941096
11194 Amman

IRCs mission is to inform the positive development of policies and programmes affecting the human development of Jordanians through their different life-cycles as children, teenagers, youth, adults and elderly. Their main objectives are to become a focal point for the data and information needed to form a comprehensive profile on human development in Jordan and to achieve accreditation for producing high quality policy research. It is affiliated with Chapin Hall Centre for Child Research at the University of Chicago, USA. The resource centre is open to the public
