Communicacion Andina Peru Expand view Casilla Postal 700 Mariscal Gamarra 13-B (Primera Etapa) Cuzco This is a small non-profit organisation composed of educators, health personnel and environmentalists. It carries out community-based development projects addressed at indigenous communities in the rural and peri-urban areas of the Inka region of Peru, specifically addressed at women, children and adolescents. It supports such projects with IEC stratgies. It works for development in order to improve the quality of life of indigenous people
Asociacion Via Libra Peru Expand view PO Box 0420 Lima 31 Aims to develop STD/HIV/AIDS primary prevention strategies; to improve the quality of life of people living with AIDS by providing them with integral health care program; and to promote and protect the human rights of people living with AIDS and their families; and to train health personnel in STDs/HIV/AIDS. The resource centre is open to the public
CEDRO Peru Expand view Roca y Bologna 271 Miraflores Lima 18 CEDRO's objectives are to promote education and information on all aspects of the drugs problem, highlighting its causes and consequences, in order to contribute to the prevention of abuse. CEDRO believes that the problem of drugs is related, among other causes, to poverty and lack of alternatives. CEDRO has anresource centre that is open to the public
Instituto de Educacion y Salud (IES) Peru Expand view Calle Republica de Chile 641 Lima 11 Jesus Mana This is a development organisation that aims to improve the health of young people. It runs training programmes to build the knowledge and capacity of public, private and community organisations. It also works with the youth helping them to develop strategies and actions that improve their health. Its resource centre is open to the public
Centro de Estudios Economicos y Sociales de la Juventud (CEPESJU) Peru Expand view Coronel Zegarra 722 Jesus Maria Lima 11 CESIP works for the strengthening of civil society and building skills for personal development, community leadership and management, and the exercising of citizens’ rights by women, children and adolescents. Its mission is to contribute to “building citizenship with equity.” CESIP constucts programmes for the benefit of children, adolencents and youth in order to better their chances of taking control of and making their own lives better. The CEPESJU resource centre is open to the public
Instituto Peruano de Apoyo al Desarrollo Integral Comunitario (IPADIC) Peru Expand view Miguel Iglesias #253 Cajamarca IPADIC is a development NGO that aims to support integrated community development in the context of respect for life and nature. It works on agricultural work with respect for the environment, community health including traditional medicines and adult literacy. It works in urban, peri-urban and rural areas of Cajamarca Region. IPADIC operates in Spanish
Calandria (Asociación de Comunicadores Sociales) Peru Expand view Cahuide 752 Lima 11
Instituto de Medicina Tropical Alexander Von Humboldt, Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia Peru Expand view Av. Honorio Delgado 430 Urb. Ingeniería. S.M.P.
Red SIDA Peru Peru Expand view Red SIDA Peru Calle republica de Chile, 641 Jesu Maria Lima
Asociación de Comunicadores Sociales (ACS Calandria) Peru Expand view Cahuide 752 Lima 11 Calandria works to generate dialogue between different sectors of society using diverse people- and culture-sensitive communication methodologies. Works to improve women's leadership and civic journalism, to strenghen the local government sector, to promote social vigilance of mass media, and to build the communication skills of other institutions. The Resource Centre is open to public and is able to respond to requests for materials or information. Also produce AIDS Action newsletter (Spanish)