Comite de Coordination des Actions des ONG (CCA-ONG) Mali Expand view BPE 3216 Bamako Its objectives are to contribute to the socio-economic development of Mali through the coordination of NGO activities; to increase the capacity of NGO members: to create a favourable environment of NGO activities; to develop relations between NGOs and other partners working for development; and encourage local developmnet initiatives. The resource centre is open to the public
Agency for Social Development (ADS) Mali Expand view BPE 1497 Bamako Aims to alleviate poverty, educate, promote health, and provide safe water for PWDs
International Islamic Youth League (IIYL) Mali Expand view Hamadallaye ACI 2000 Road 314 Office No 161 Bamako Mali The International Islamic Youth League, is an international Non Governmental organization established since 1991, the organization supporting humanitarian and development project in the war affected countries in Africa.
Institut Panos Afrique de l'Ouest Mali Expand view Institut Panos Afrique de l'Ouest B.P : E 2456 Bamako
WaterAid Mali Mali Expand view WaterAid Mali ACI 2000 Hamdallaye Bamako BP. 03 BP. 97