Israel Society for Medical and Biomedical Engineering|Tel Aviv University Israel Expand view Tel Aviv 69978
Physicians for Human Rights - Israel (PHR-Israel) Israel Expand view 9 Dror St., Jaffa-Tel Aviv 68135, Israel Physicians for Human Rights - Israel is a not-for-profit organisation comprising of some 300 physicians, medical professionals and human rights activists, whose aim is to ensure equal adequate health services for all people under Israeli responsibility, irrespective of race, nationality, language, legal status, health condition, age, or any other premises. PHR - Israel works via direct intervention and advocacy to provide equal services for Palestinians, migrant workers, detainees, prisoners and female victims of domestic violence as well as working to afect general health policy in Israeli law. The PHR - Israel library is opoen to the public. They also run an open clinic for migrant workers
Rehabilitation Workshops Inc|KEREN Vocational Rehabilitation Centres in Israel Israel Expand view PO Box 15002 Tel Aviv 61150 Provides evaluation, rehabilitation, technical training and assistance in finding employment for severely disabled working-age people. Serves Jews, Arabs, Druze, Bedouin and immigrants from all over the world. Aims to create more independence and enhanced quality of life for people living wih disabilities through 16 Vocational Rehabilitation Centres, 3 Adjustment-to-work Centres, 43 Sheltered Employment Workshops and 3 KARTEN CTECs. Assists 9000 people annually. Resource centre open to the public
Access Israel Israel Expand view Access Israel PO Box 5171 Kefar Saba 4415
The Center for Deaf-Blind Persons Israel Expand view The Center for Deaf-Blind Persons POB 9259 Tel Aviv 61092
SHEKULO TOV Israel Expand view Shekulo Tov was founded in 2005 with the vision to allow people with psychiatric disabilities to be in the community, to pursue their journeys, to reach their functional goals, to be included in society, and to live independently. Since true community integration and social inclusion depend upon having opportunities available in the mainstream society outside of the mental health system, Shekulo Tov develops and provides state-of-the-art vocational, supported employment and leisure and recreation psychiatric services in the community. Proving these services allows persons with psychiatric disabilities to realize their potential and to achieve their life goals while decreasing mental illness stigma and promote their social inclusion in their communities.Shekulo Tov is a service provider of the Israeli Ministry of Health, the Ministry of social affairs and social services and the Israeli Ministry of Defense