Atelier Material Audio-Visual (AMA) Cameroon Expand view BP 267 Yaounde The objective of the organisation is to have new equipment in order to produce and distribute beter educational materials. The resource centre is open to the public
African Federation for Technology in Healthcare (AFTH)|Centre for Health Technology (CHT)|University of Yaounde 1 Cameroon Expand view BP 8390 Yaounde
Promhandicam Association Cameroon Expand view BP 4018 Yaounde The organisation has disabled members of staff and committee. For further details of Promhandicam's activities see the website which is in English, French and Italian.
Institute of Research and Behavioural Studies (IRESCO) Cameroon Expand view BP 13888 Yaounde IRESCO contributes to the identification of the needs of African populations and finds appropriate solutions to their problems. It encourages the emergence of interdisciplinary collaboration among researchers, and promotes the consideration of behavioural research as an indispensible factor of socio-economic development. Resource centre open to the public
Cameroon Link (CAMLINK) Cameroon Expand view Bloc 5 Grand Hangar Bonaberi Nouvelle Route POBox 1460 Douala Littoral Region Cameroon Link is a national Health Development NGO acting as the Global Focal Point for the Men's Initiative of the World Alliance for Breastfeeding Action. It coordinates activities of IBFAN Cameroon Group and leads the Federation of Cameroon Breastfeeding Promotion Associations, FECABPA
Cameroon Association of Volunteers for Youth Promotion & Humanitarian Actions (CAVYPHA) Cameroon Expand view PO Box 508 Bamenda CAVYPHA advocates for the rights of disabled people, working with youths and elderly people. CAVYPHA works to support other community-based organisations and takes part in HIV/AIDS prevention campaigns.
Refugee Welfare Association Cameroon(REWAC) Cameroon Expand view An indigenous humanitarian organization that works for the protection of the rights of vulnerable migrants including persons living with a disability.