Publication Date
July 2020
78 p
In 2020 the Disability Royal Commission released an issues paper on group homes. The issues paper asked 10 questions based on some of the key issues and barriers experienced by people with disability living in Group Homes.
This is Women With Disabilities Australia (WWDA) response to the issues paper which highlights key recommendations to improve the lives and experiences of people with disability living in group homes. The recommendations stem from the following key areas:
- Living independently and being in the community
- Intersectionality
- Ableism, segregation and violence
- Exposing and responding to violence, abuse, neglect and exploitation
View webpage for full text
Cross-cutting; protection/ safeguarding; Disability and community; deinstitutisation; independent living; residential homes; Disability and social diversity; persons with disabilities; women with disabilities; Global picture; disability identity and intersectionality; gender-based violence; Human rights; freedom from exploitation violence and abuse