1. Using the Washington Group Questions in humanitarian action (learning toolkit on disability data collection), HUMANITY & INCLUSION (HI), Lyons - Jan 2019
2. Realisation of sustainable development goals by, for and with persons with disabilities: UN flagship report on disability and development 2018, UNITED NATIONS DEPARTMENT FOR ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL AFFAIRS (UNDESA), New York City - December 2018
3. DFID’s strategy for disability inclusive development 2018-23, DFID - December 2018
4. Local economic and inclusive development; a toolkit for replication, HUMANITY & INCLUSION (HI), CAMID, EMPLOYERS FEDERATION OF CEYLON (EFC), Lyons - 2019
5. “They Stay until They Die” A lifetime of isolation and neglect in institutions for people with disabilities in Brazil, RIOS-ESPINOSA, Carlos et al, HUMAN RIGHTS WATCH - May 2018
6. Children with disabilities in situations of armed conflict - a discussion paper, THOMAS, Edward et al., UNITED NATIONS CHILDRENS FUND (UNICEF), New York - November 2018
7. My right is our future the transformative power of disability-inclusive education. 03 Series on disability-inclusive development, CBM International, Bensheim - November 2018
8. Including children with disabilities in preschool education. Experiences of Plan International Mozambique, PLAN INTERNATIONAL, LIGHT FOR THE WORLD, UHAMBO - August 2018
9. Communication Matters! Communication between persons with disabilities and local authorities in Cambodia, LIGHT FOR THE WORLD, Vienna - JANUARY 2019
10. 3rd World Disability & Rehabilitation Conference (WDRC 2018) - Book of abstracts, O'CONNOR, Loren (ed), THE INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF KNOWLEDGEMENT MANAGEMENT (TIIKM), Sri Lanka - November 2018
11. Global education monitoring (GEM) report 2019: migration, displacement and education: building bridges not walls, UNESCO - 2018
12. Monitoring employment rights of people with disabilities in Kathmandu, Nepal, Holistic report 2018, PRASAI, Sagar and PANT, Aashish, DISABILITY RIGHTS PROMOTION INTERNATIONAL (DRPI) AND NATIONAL FEDERATION OF THE DISABLED- NEPAL (NFD-NEPAL), York and Kathmandu - June 2018
13. An integrated approach to victim assistance in Cambodia & the role of Australia as supporting state, De BEAUPUIS, Gaetan and HOTTENOT, Elke, HUMANITY & INCLUSION (HI), Lyons - November 2018
14. Disability and global health: Special issue of International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, KUPER, Hannah and POLAK, Sarah (eds), MDPI, Basel - 2019
15. Situation of persons with disabilities in Lebanon, COMBAZ, Emilie, INSTITUTE OF DEVELOPMENT STUDIES (IDS), Brighton - July 2018
16. Zero Project Report 2019: Independent living and political participation, FEMBEK, Michael, ESSL FOUNDATION, Klosterneuburg - January 2019
17. Inclusive Education South Africa (IESA) factsheets, INCLUSIVE EDUCATION SOUTH AFRICA (IESA) - 2019
18. Individualised funding interventions to improve health and social care outcomes for people with a disability: a mixed-methods systematic review. Campbell Systematic Reviews 2019:3, FLEMING, Padraig et al, CAMPBELL COLLABORATION - January 2019
19. Learning from experience: Guidelines for locally sourced and cost-effective strategies to modify existing household toilets and water access, WORLD VISION and CBM Australia - 2018
21. Measuring the prevalence of violence against women with disabilities, VAUGHAN, Cathy et al, UNITED NATIONS POPULATION FUND (UNFPA), New York - February 2018
22. Expectations management; employer perspectives on opportunities for improved employment of persons with mental disabilities in Kenya, EBUENYI, Ikenna, TAYLOR AND FRANCIS - January 2019
23. A situational analysis of disability and aging in Myanmar, ZEITZER, Ilene, HELPAGE INTERNATIONAL - 2018
24. Scaling up inclusive employment: Interventions in Camodia, GARTRELL, Alexandra, LIGHT FOR THE WORLD, Vienna - October 2018
25. The case for investment in accessible and inclusive WASH, PRYOR, Wesley et al., UNIIED NATIONS CHILDRENS FUND (UNICEF), New York - April 2018