The 24 case studies highlight the important relationship that communication plays in the effectiveness of a community’s understanding and willingness to work together for the most effective response to disasters possible. It provides a clear understanding of the connection between the science behind national disasters and the relationship between effective communication and response efforts
- Case Study #1: Early Warning - Early Action;
- Case Study #2: Knowledge Timeline;
- Case Study #3: Participatory Downscaling;
- Case Study #4: Scenario-based risk communication;
- Case Study #5: Competency Groups;
- Case Study #6: Nanodialogues;
- Case Study #7: Tools for participative climate risk communication;
- Case Study #8: Café Scientifique;
- Case: Study #9: Decision Support System for flood risk management;
- Case Study #10: Blending sources of climate information;
- Case Study #11: The Forecast Factory;
- Cast Study #12: Weather or not?;
- Cast Study #13: The River Basin Game;
- Case Study #14: The Archer;
- Cast Study #15: Two-way exchange;
- Cast Study #16: UNISDR ‘Stop Disaster’ Game;
- Case Study #17: Animations;
- Case Study #18: Knowledge Bazaars;
- Case Study 19: Participatory Scenario Planning;
- Case Study #20: Community Radio;
- Case Study #21: Fishbowl;
- Case Study #22:Community Forecasting;
- Case Study #23: Evacuation;
- Case Study #24: Visualisation