Bangladesh Women's Health Coalition (BWHC)

10/2 Iqbal Road, Mohammedpur
PO Box 2295
Dhaka - 1207

Region Located 


+880 2 811 0974/811 0975/812 2876

BWHC works with underpriveleged and marginalised women, children and youth through health oriented development interventions, with a prime focus on reproductive health services and action oriented community education. It is committed to bringing about positive changes in the quality of women's life by making available reproductive and primary health care services as well as other basic social services that enable women to exercise their reproductive and human rights. BWHC firmly believes that the quality of women's lives is enhanced by emphasising an inclusive gender approach, community participation and working in integration and collaboration with government and other relevant organisations. The resource centre is not open to the public

Country Focus 

Regional Focus