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Source E-Bulletin

Disability and Inclusion

March 2021

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This email bulletin is a selection of resources recently added to the Inclusive Futures programme and from the general Source collection on Disability and Inclusion.

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Source E-Bulletin on Disability and Inclusion

Resources from Inclusive Futures

This is Source's first e-bulletin of 2021, and we have 3 brand new resources produced by the Inclusive Futures consortium to share with you. 

Firstly, a report produced by Inclusion International who analyse data from the OECD Development Assistance Committee’s Creditor Reporting System, which reveals that mainstream development projects fail to include people with intellectual disabilities, and in many cases use project methodologies that promote segregation and other human rights violations.

Second and thirdly, we have 2 reports from Development Initiatives who provide an overview of progress towards the creation of accurate and comparable disability statistics and also a report looking at the landscape of data on disability in Uganda.

General Resources from Source

A reminder that Source has added an easy to search function for 'open access peer review' journals on Disability and Inclusion. Currently, this includes over 700 different journal articles from multiple different publishers! To try out this function, please click here.

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