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Source E-Bulletin, Disability and Inclusion

Autumn 2019

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This email bulletin is a selection of 25 resources recently added to the Source collection on Disability and Inclusion. To search the full collection, visit:
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Source E-Bulletin on Disability and Inclusion

1. Rapid needs assessment of older people Cyclone Idai, Malawi. HELPAGE INTERNATIONAL and MALAWI NETWORK OF OLDER PEOPLES ORGANISATIONS (MANEPO), HELPAGE INTERNATIONAL, London - Mar 2019

2. Making it count: The power of youth advocates in the disability movement. WILM, Suzanne, LEONARD CHESHIRE and HANKS, Phil, LEONARD CHESHIRE DISABILITY INTERNATIONAL, London - May 2019

3. Include us! Good practices in the inclusion of persons with disabilities in Myanmar. HUMANITY & INCLUSION (HI), Lyons - 2018

4. Insights from ASEAN hometown improvement project: Towards improved practice. ASIA-PACIFIC DEVELOPMENT CENTER ON DISABILITY (APCD), Bangkok - 2019

5. Women and girls with disabilities. Needs of survivors of gender based violence and services offered to them. BURGHAL, Waseem, UNITED NATIONS POPULATION FUND (UNFPA), New York - Mar 2019

6. Strengthening participation of people with disabilities in leadership roles in developing countries, PRICE, Roz, INSTITUTE OF DEVELOPMENT STUDIES (IDS), Brighton - April 2018

7. Disability inclusion in disaster risk management - Promising practices and opportunities for enhanced engagements, GUERNSEY, Katherine and SCHERRER, Valerie, WORLD BANK PUBLICATIONS and GLOBAL FACILITY FOR DISASTER REDUCTION AND RECOVERY (GDFRR), Washington - April 2018

8. Disability and unpaid care work, CBM AUSTRALIA, CBM AUSTRALIA, Victoria - March 2019

9. European Disability Forum, European human rights report - issue 3, 2019. Human rights. ULDRY, Marine, EUROPEAN DISABILITY FORUM (EDF), Brussels - 2019

10. Deaf people in Pacific Island Countries. JENKIN, Elena et al., PACIFIC DISABILITY FORUM - 2019

11. People are neglected, not diseases: the relationship between disability and neglected tropical diseases. HAMILL, Claire Louise et al., Transactions of The Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 2019; OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS (OUP) - May 2019

12. Case studies on leaving no one behind. A companion volume to the Development Co-operation Report 2018. ORGANISATION FOR ECONOMIC COOPERATION AND DEVELOPMENT (OECD), Paris - December 2018

13. Good practices on the implementation of the UNCRPD in Timor Leste (2015-2017) and Good practices for the implementation of the CRPD in Indonesia (2015-2017), HANDICAP INTERNATIONAL, DOS SANTOS, Domingos T.M et al and WIDJAYA, Hartaning. HUMANITY & INCLUSION (HI), Lyons - 2018

14. Bridging the Gap: Examining disability and development in four African countries. The case for equitable education. GROCE, Nora et al., LEONARD CHESHIRE RESEARCH CENTRE,  London - June 2018

15. Women and young persons with disabilities: Guidelines for providing rights-based and gender-responsive services to address gender-based violence and sexual and reproductive health and rights. HOLOBOFF RADFORD, Anastasia et al, UNITED NATIONS POPULATION FUND (UNFPA) and WOMEN ENABLED INTERNATIONAL - November 2018

16. Rehabilitation in health systems: guide for action. WORLD HEALTH ORGANISATION (WHO), Geneva - May 2019

17. 2030 Agenda for sustainable development: Selected SDG indicators disaggregated by disability status, WASHINGTON GROUP ON DISABILITY STATISTICS, Hyattsville - October 2018

18. Study on explosive hazard victim reporting and data management processes in Iraq, NIJHOLT, Sarah, HUMANITY & INCLUSION (HI), Lyons - April 2019

19. WHO consolidated guideline on self-care interventions for health: sexual and reproductive health and rights, WORLD HEALTH ORGANISATION (WHO), Geneva, - 2019

20. Good practice guide: embedding inclusion of older people and people with disabilities in humanitarian policy and practice Lessons learnt from the ADCAP programme, AKERKAR, Supriya and BHARDWAJ, Rhea, AGE AND DISABILITY CONSORTIUM - 2018

21. Guidance on strengthening disability inclusion in Humanitarian Response Plans, PERRY, Stephen ET AL., DEPARTMENT FOR ITERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT (DFID) - April 2019

22. A social business case for disability inclusion in development, LUKKIEN, Annet, DUTCH COALITION ON DISABILITY AND DEVELOPMENT (DCDD), Amsterdam - December 2018

23. Shaping health systems to include people with disabilities. K4D emerging issues report, DEAN, Laura, DEPARTMENT FOR INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT (DFID), London - November 2018

24. Older people’s perceptions of health and wellbeing in rapidly ageing low- and middle-income countries. ALBONE, Rachel, HELPAGE INTERNATIONAL, London - 2019

25. The role of stigma in accessing education for people with disabilities in low and middle-income countries: a review of the evidence. AZALDE, Gloria and BRAATHEN, Stinne, SINTEF HEALTH RESEARCH, Oslo - May 2018

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